Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mia Jade

So, in my last blog post I was preparing for labour as I had 2 weeks left until i was due, then three days later Mia Jade was born! People say I had a quick labour, but it didn't feel like that, not having any pain relief only gas and air for the last hour.

My and Gibbo went to an Indian buffet around 6pm on 15th January, I was feeling little niggley pains at the time but didn't think anything of it, I was just looking forward to tucking into my chicken tikka. A lady sat on the next table asked when I was due, we had a chat and I told her about the pains I was getting and she said I'm probably in labour because she had the same. I wasn't convinced.

We arrived home late and around midnight we went to bed, the pains were still there but nothing I couldn't handle, until I woke up at 3am the next morning, the pain were a lot worse, I was in labour!

6.45am we arrived at the hospital and 7.50am on 16th January Mia was born.
She is now nearly 5 month old and I am truly blessed to have such a smiley, happy, content baby. She's an angel.