
Hellooo, I'm Samantha :)
I'm 21 years old and currently on maternity leave as i am pregnant with my first child.
One of my most F.A.Q's is 'are you excited?' well i can honestly say excitement is not one of the feelings i get when thinking about having to give birth!...But i am excited to meet her.
I am engaged to a lovely guy (Gibbo) who is extremely caring and supportive, in fact when i first told him that i wanted to start a Beauty/Mummy Blog (at about 29 weeks pregnant), he did nothing but nag for me to start it as i came down with a bit of lazyitis!
So eventually at 32 weeks pregnant, Life's Little Things was born.

I'm a qualified hairdresser but i am currently working as a support worker.
Another one of my F.A.Q's when i tell people that i'm a hairdresser is 'why did you quit?' or 'what made you change job?'
I didn't quit hairdressing, i'll always be a hairdresser, i just quit the busy salon life :)
 my job (at times) and the best thing to come out of it is the friends i made...there amazeballs!

Another one of my loves is Make-up.
I personally don't think i have a lot of make-up but when others see my ever growing collection, they say i have too much!....how can a girl have too much make-up?
Gibbo says i have an obsession with make-up, and i'd agree with that :)

Other current Loves of mine:
my family..
sleep & lots of it..
food, glorious food..

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